Da Momsters Boxing Day Swim fur Cinque Ports Rescue

Saturday, 27 August 2011

Yoo Can Sign

up to sponsor mi Mad Momster on her bloggy post HERE.

Da most wondyful Frankie Furter dids peemail Moms yesterday and he has sponsored her fur a mahoosive $10 and hims is her first international sponsor so her is most excitamagated cos ovs dat so a BIG, HOOJ, MAHOOSIVE FANK YOO to FRANKIE fur makin mi mad moms so happi yoo is a total star Frankie n wee does lov yoo veri much







The Daily Pip said...

I just popped over and signed up as sponsor! Hurray!

Love, Pip

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Me jus' hopped on over to ya Momma's bloggy and sponsored for $10.

PeeS....April sends Uji a sloppy kiss!

Road Dog Tales said...

We'll go over and check it out! Sounds like a great idea! Wow! You've had so much going on and we're so behind on reading! Looks like your hollibob was super fun and it's so exciting that you won bee-yoo-ti-ful ribbons! Yay! We hope Uji has recovered from his, um, bobble thingy and that your meds are working properly now.


The Road Dogs

Asta said...

I went to youw Momstew's most bootiful and aquatic bloggie and signed up too..You awe all the BEST!
smoochie kisses

and pleez don't wowwy about me, Iwene is gone!