up to sponsor mi Mad Momster on her bloggy post HERE.
Da most wondyful Frankie Furter dids peemail Moms yesterday and he has sponsored her fur a mahoosive $10 and hims is her first international sponsor so her is most excitamagated cos ovs dat so a BIG, HOOJ, MAHOOSIVE FANK YOO to FRANKIE fur makin mi mad moms so happi yoo is a total star Frankie n wee does lov yoo veri much
I just popped over and signed up as sponsor! Hurray!
Love, Pip
Me jus' hopped on over to ya Momma's bloggy and sponsored for $10.
PeeS....April sends Uji a sloppy kiss!
We'll go over and check it out! Sounds like a great idea! Wow! You've had so much going on and we're so behind on reading! Looks like your hollibob was super fun and it's so exciting that you won bee-yoo-ti-ful ribbons! Yay! We hope Uji has recovered from his, um, bobble thingy and that your meds are working properly now.
The Road Dogs
I went to youw Momstew's most bootiful and aquatic bloggie and signed up too..You awe all the BEST!
smoochie kisses
and pleez don't wowwy about me, Iwene is gone!
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