Da Momsters Boxing Day Swim fur Cinque Ports Rescue

Thursday, 25 August 2011

Vet Check


Well mee went fur mi check up today n da vet man wos most pleased wivs mee. Mee does not havs to hav any inhalors just gots to stay on da tablets fur eva and ifs mee gets a bad bout ovs da coffs mee has to havs da nasty coff mixture butt dat still all good.

Mee is now lookin forwards to struttin mi stuffs at da PAWm wivs mi sooper sexi date.

Wee may havs a speshul announcements to makes soon so watch dis space, mee can say no more jus yet!





Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

So happy to hears dat you gots da pawprint of approval from da vet.

Can't waits for da big announcement tingy!

Haves a nice Turdsday!

Berts Blog said...

Oh I hate waiting for "Special Announcements"

I just get all kinds of ideas in my head and I wonder and wonder about what it is.

I won't get any sleep and to make things worse, I just saw lightning and a thunderstorm is coming.

OK I am Waiting.....waiting.....waiting.....waiting....

OK What is the news. I have waited long enough


Finn said...

Big announcement! Can't wait for it!

Frankie Furter and Ernie said...

hehehehe Bert cracks me up.

Wonderful news from the Dogtor!!!

I'll bet I know what the big announcement is... Santa Paws is comin to town. RIGHT???

Scooter said...

Hey Ronnii!
Wow, I'm glad the dogtor was happy and it's good you are feeling a-okay! Can't wait to see you at the pawm and hear your big news!
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP

The Daily Pip said...

Oh thank goodness you are feeling better. I was SO worried. Now about paWm - maybe your mom could send me a picture of you all dressed up.

Whatever could your surprise be? Me knows what it is, but won't give it away!

Love, Pip