bein absent dis week butts mee has been feelin a bits sorry fur myself. Butt mee is feelin more myself now altho mee has to say da kodeen medisin is flippin YUCKY wivs a capitol YUCK !!!!
Butt mee is takin it an all da pills mee has got too and so far so goods mee is not coughin so much so it seems it’s all worth the diskomfort. Da dogtor says mi heart is fine, just da right size n aparts from a little bronkeeal stuff on mi lungs and mi dodgy trakeeah mee is a healthy girl.
Mee is lookin forward to gettin all prettified fur da PAWm as mee has been asked by mi speshul guy. WoooooHoooo. Uji is gettin uber excitamagated cos da loverly laydee hims asked has said yes. Da Momster has asked mee to makes sure him behaves himself tho an makes sure him doesn’t drinks anyfing him shouldn’t.
Uji is off to da hopsital on Monday his bobbles is comin off, butts shhhhh him doesn’t know yets.
Anyways it it time fur mi pills now so catch yoo all soon.
Ronnii, me is jus so weenie happy dat you is feelin' sooooo much better. Da pills may be YUCKY wit a capital YUCK, butt sounds like dey is helpin'.
(Shhhhh....Me won't tell sissy April bout Uji's bobbles)
Hello Miss Ronnii :o)
Meee is sorry to read that you need to take the YUCKY stuff but sounds like it's doing the job for you so it's worth the fight. Also, glad to read that your beautiful heart it in good shape because having "engine" problems is no fun!
Oooh! Poor Ujio... Ouch! Been there, done that! Ouch again! Meee will think of him lots.
Neeko :o)
Hey Ronnii!
Wow, I sure you get all better soon. I'm sending you a bunch of healing vibes right now. I'm glad you and Ujio will be at the Pawm...I can't wait to see you both! Poor Ujio...that's rough.
Grr and Woof,
Sarge, COP
RONNII GIRRRRRRL Uji has been SOOO good about keeping us up to date on how you are feeling and stuffs. I am sooooooo glad to hear it from YOU though. I am really happy that you are feeling better. Wow you BOTH have Dates and are coming to the PAWm.. THAT is super duper news indeed.
See you THERE... save me a dance.
Glad you're feeling better and I hope you're back to your ole self super soon! My thoughts go out to Ujio... such a hard time in a mans life.
Pretty please keep taking your medicine so you are all well by pawm! And tell your momster that I will keep an eye on Uji and make sure he behaves himself. I wonder who the lucky lady is? Promise not to tell him about his surprise on Monday!
Love Pip
Ronnii, I hope you are feeling better SOON. I bet dancing at the PAWm will help!! Sending my very bestest healing wishes and snuggles to you!
Hi there,
Just stopping by to let you know that our Mommy is doing a special post about The Back to School Bash and everybody that is doing something. Hopefully it will be ready tomorrow night so come over and check it out.
{{{huggies}}}....Mona & Weenie
PS...much later tomorrow night
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Venha ver o meu blog também e ser meu amigo.
BOa semana.
Aus 1000 do Brasil...
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